Thursday, June 5, 2014

Making a list.....

...and trying to get on top of some partly finished projects.  Lately I have been good at starting projects but sadly lacking in the finishing of them.  So...I have got out a book in which I am going to plan what I aim to do during the week and then record what I actually achieve each night.  Today's stitching was finishing the stem stitch around the edge of this candle mat before I sew on the circles.  I haven't done a lot with felt before..
So far my plan has been working as I have been able to write down something that I have worked on each night this week..will see how it all goes...


  1. That sounds like a good plan. Hope it works...

  2. This is very practical, wish that by the evening I too had energy to tackle something, sadly... TV. good book, and bed. But the metres and METRES of merino I bought last weekend are well on the way to being family singlets, neckwarmers, hats and more. Cheers,Jean.

  3. Sounds like a real the start of your candle mat...

  4. I made a list........need to find it..........don't think i can cross anything off it yet.......

  5. oh me too with the starting and not finishing!!! my ufo list is longer than when I made my list at the beginning of the year Ithink!!!
    Hope you are enjoying the felt.... it's a fun texture

  6. oh Lyn you will love working with felt.have fun finishing your candle mat.xx


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