Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A peaceful time of the day...

It's another cold, wet day outside , but I am cosy sitting inside my classroom..cars going up and down the hill outside...I was going to write some report comments before going to a meeting at another school at 4 pm ..but that isn't happening.... instead I am just sitting here ...a couple of girls have come back into the room because netball practice is cancelled and they are decorating the whiteboard at the moment..a couple of boys are on a computer at the back of the room...a bit of chatter from both groups, but oh so peaceful at this time of the day...


  1. Peaceful is happiness, wherever you are. and I'm sure the others were glad of your company. Wet here, and getting cooler. Cheers,Jean

  2. I always like this time of day too, the kids home from school, tummy's nurtured and muttered chatter as they play.


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