Thursday, April 28, 2011

Frosty mornings = sunny days

Frost on the grass, frost on the deck railing, but a lovely sunny day has followed, as it usually does after a frost.  There is a chill in the air and I think the temperature for today will climb to about 12, WOW! - winter is surely on its way now.  Yesterday was one of those gloomy, grey, cold days where  no matter what I did, my hands were still cold and I found it hard to hold the needle and stitch away.

So off to the kitchen to bake seemed the right idea, and some biscuits and neenish tarts made their way into the tins.  It is years since I made neenish tarts and with a little more practice and time I think I could get a more even job with the icing.

I have lots of stitching to do but I sometimes find it hard to work at night,  so I have found the perfect thing to do- making hexagons.  My piles are growing but I must get on to finishing some other things before the end of the month as well.


  1. wow i love the tarts, i can't remember what is in the centre....haven't had one in years....

    still reasonable weather over here in NSW not too cold, in my part of the world heaps of rain, which makes it hard to get the washing dry

  2. Me too, we used to use sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice for the filling, is that what you use? My sister used to have the job of making them, I think she used a ruler or something to get the icing nice and even. At first I thought your rows of hexagons were eclairs iced with pastel coloured icing, (I must have food on the brain), they look so pretty.

  3. Hi Lyn, thanks for dropping by my blog. My goodness you live in a cold area, we are so lucky, its still warm and sunny. However, our sulmmers are very very hot..
    Love your cooking.


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