Sunday, January 10, 2016


Well a first for me as I am in Sydney for FNWF.  It has been wonderful to see the sunshine after the few days of heavy rain.  Mum's phone is out till Tuesday, something to do with a cut cable, so it is just as well I am still here.  They have redirected her calls to my mobile as Mum has never wanted to have a mobile...but now the thought that she could have been without access to a phone for a week if I wasn't here with mine has got her thinking about whether she might need to get one 'for emergencies'.
Last year (seems strange to think of 2015 as last year) Mum was reading the weekend paper when she saw a teapot cosy in the living section..thought it would be great for my DD2 ( her GD of course).  They only had a website so there was phone call to me to 'look on the net' as she calls it.  Not available the website said so a bit of a google found one in a shop in Tasmania and it was soon on it's way.  

Mum doesn't crochet so I also have the task of making it for FNWF  I got started..
Now the other night I fluked resizing some photos so will try to manage it tonight on the iPad...oh well!


  1. Lucky for Mum you are visiting..
    What a gorgeous tea cosy...lovely bright colours..

  2. Superb colours, lovely pattern, and what a good time, if there was one,for the landline to go out.I can see some shopping very soon. That was when we bought our first mobile phone, no landline for some days, years ago, so huge, so heavy. but it worked so well.

  3. Sounds like you are being kept busy... that crochet cover looks great

  4. Great tea cosy, wonderful colours! Seems like your time in Sydney is busy!

  5. The tea cosy is really pretty! I wish I crocheted. I don't have a crocheting daughter who could make it for me either. Oh well....

  6. Love the colorful cozy, your mum will love it.


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