Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Well..what a weekend...

Here in New Zealand it was Queen's Birthday weekend so that meant a 3 day weekend for us..

It was the Chookshed's 3rd birthday so lots of us got to "attend" the party (virtually of course!!)

I have given in to the temptation of Lucy Boston.  When I called in to a LQS I saw some blocks on display with a notice that they have a Lucy Boston group meeting there, they had already had their first get together so I was going to join them for the 2nd one last week..bad luck though as it snowed on and off all day so it was postponed as no one was really keen to go out at night... so the next one is at the end of this month..so a little bit of preparation has been done by way of retail therapy..the book, template and papers..
and a selection of fabrics to get me started..
our weekend jolted to a finish last night..quite literally.  They don't call New Zealand the Shaky Isles for nothing..We'd just gone to bed when there was a roaring sound and the house started shaking..the biggest earthquake we have felt in quite a while down here..a 4.7 centred just 30 km away.. we can sometimes feel the odd tremor from other parts of the South Island when they have had earthquakes...and they have recently assigned levels of earthquake risk to various parts of NZ..low, medium and high.  We were relieved to see that we live in one of the few parts of the country where it is considered at a low risk of having an earthquake... so it just goes to show...


  1. I am glad you are okay after your tremor. Sounds like a good weekend, despite that. Good luck with your new project.

  2. When I feel the Earthquakes and they are not too close I am thankful that hopefully means we are not going to have a big one! Glad there was no damage. Where in NZ did you get everything for `Lucy Boston`? I have been wanting start that quilt. Happy Stitching.

  3. Ohh bein low is a little reassuring. live your fabric choices for your LB blocks

  4. Lovely fabrics together, and the quake, felt far and wide, by over 5000.

  5. I have seen lots of LB blocks and sew far have resisted the temptation to make them. (Stay strong Maria). Love the fabrics you have chosen..

  6. have fun making your Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses - I made one a couple years ago and loved it

  7. oh you will love Lucy............I am doing a BOM Lucy with Shiralee Stitches.............the bocks are beautiful...........you might need a few strong bigger prints to use in the more featured spots............

  8. Oh that would wake you up Lyn, having everything shaking and roaring!! I remember having them in Tauranga...usually White Island was having a blow!! Your fabrics are lovely..have fun with Lucy!


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