Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Initial Heart Swap

This beautifully wrapped parcel from Kerrie of  channelbankcreations arrived in the mail for me..

Inside was a pattern folder..just look at the gorgeous heart that Kerrie stitched on the cover she made....all those lovely stitches and embellishing..
and a view of the inside with a few treats for me to enjoy..
all set for me to now organise the patterns that I am working from..what a wonderful gift.
A big thank you, Kerrie,..this is going to be so useful.. just perfect!


  1. You are very welcome Lyn - I enjoyed making it - I haven't done any crazy patchwork for years and it was nice o get back into it!

  2. awesome gifts Lyn xx

  3. What wonderful swap gifts to receive. Thanks for playing along with us again Lyn. xox

  4. Kerrie makes wonderful gifts, lucky you to receive that beautifully stitched folder and heart.


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