Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mum's Mini..

Making the mini quilts in Cheryll's swap last year gave me the perfect idea for part of Mum's Christmas gift..I really liked the one I made for the Spring swap ..I had traced out the stitchery design and had plenty of the fabric for the border left.... so after some stitching and sewing it was finished.  I kept meaning to share a photo so here is one at last..
I think I have decided on the design for the St Patrick's Day must get on with it as February is a short month...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Friday Night With Friends...

...continued on to be Saturday with friends.  The little bobbin lace group that I go to has changed its monthly meeting day.  We used to meet on a Tuesday night, but now we are going to get together on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month for anyone who can make it.  What a difference meeting during the day made..good natural light meant we were all busy on our own projects..
I think I'm going to enjoy the new meeting time and it is going to match up so well with Friday Night With Friends, as I will get to stitch on Friday night and then carry on through Saturday with some bobbin lace.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I'm stitching with friends tonight..

I've signed up on Cheryll's blog to stitch with friends tonight.  I hope you all have a fun night of stitching as well....
            ...Friday night with friends